
Producer / Tamiru Tadesse Tessma
Region / Bensa, Sidama
Processing Station / Alo Processing Station
Altitude / 2450m+
Varieties / 74158

Process / Washed
Crop Year /  Dec 2023 - Feb 2024

Notes / Dark Honey, Tangerine, Apricot
Weight / 150g

Ethiopia COE 2021 Winner Tamiru Tadesse start his exporting company Alo Coffee in 2020. After he worked in coffee industry for eights year, he decided to go further and start his processing station in his home town Bensa in Sidama region, which well known for it higher altitude and special micro climate. 

To showcase the Terroir of the high altitude and mirco-climate of the Alo Village coffee, this lot using a traditional  washed method, which coffee cherry was pulped with Penagos pulping machine, then fermented for 24hrs and washed before drying on the drying bed.